Teledata Networks Presents at Israeli Innovation Summit
Shares Expertise in Tackling Challenges of Network Migration to NGN
Herzliya, Israel – March 27 , 2006: Teledata Networks, a leading global provider ofinnovative Access Network solutions that enable smooth migration to NextGeneration Networks (NGN) and delivery of Triple Play services, announced todaythat it will be holding a presentation at the Israel Innovation Summit, a uniqueconference covering new technological frontiers.
The first conference of its kind, the Israeli Innovation Summit will assemble globalcorporations, NASDAQ stars, academic entities and emerging companies in diversefields, from communications to life sciences. The conference is sponsored by industryleaders such as IBM, Intel, Elron and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Israel.
Teledata Networks’ CTO and VP R&D, Eli Lotan, will give the presentation, titled“Migration to Next Generation Access Networks”. The speech will highlight thefactors driving network evolution, migration strategies, NGN architectures and therole of Access Gateways in network migration. The presentation will draw onTeledata Networks worldwide experience in implementing smooth migration ofaccess networks to NGN.
“Our role in this conference results from Teledata Networks' positioning as a cuttingedge Israeli company ranked as one of the most creative and innovative in its field,”said Amnon Unger, CEO, Teledata Networks. “In the spirit of the conference - wereally are looking to the future of networking, and want to share our expertise with theinternational communications sector."
Teledata Networks presentation at the Israeli Innovation Summit will take place onApril 5, 10:40-12:10, at the Haifa Congress Center, Israel.Additionally, the company will be speaking at Southeastern Europe Broadband 2006Conference and Expo in Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, and will also exhibitadvanced Multiservice Access Gateway solutions at Sviaz Expo Comm 2006 inMoscow, Russia.
About Teledata Networks
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative Access Networksolutions that enable smooth migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) anddelivery of Triple Play services. The company tailors unique solutions for telecomoperators and services providers in accordance with their needs, to enhance theircompetitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base spanning millions of linesin over 50 countries worldwide. Its twenty years of experience have yieldedoutstanding technological leadership, a high level of expertise and a strong foundationof intellectual property.