Teledata Networks Presents at Southeastern Europe
Broadband 2006 ConferencePresentation Covers the Evolution of the Access Network
Amsterdam, Nertherlands – April 3 , 2006: Teledata Networks, a leading globalprovider of innovative Access Network solutions that enable smooth migration toNext Generation Networks (NGN) and delivery of Triple Play services, announcedtoday that it will be giving a presentation titled “Evolution of the Access NetworkUsing Multiservice Access Gateways” at the Southeastern Europe Broadband 2006Conference and Expo.
In the presentation, Teledata Networks’ Senior Product Manager, Yoav Shilo, willoutline the challenges in Access Network’s evolution to NGN. The speech willinclude topics such as a the main factors driving the operators to evolve towards NGNand FTTx, as well as various Access Network architectures for NGN and Triple Play.Additionally, Mr. Shilo will discuss the role of the Multiservice Access Gateway inClass-5 replacement and network evolution towards Triple Play services.
The Southeastern Europe Broadband 2006 Conference and Expo( is the first techno- marketing conferencecovering broadband industry deployment in Southeastern Europe (SEE). Theconference will cover the technology and products of the world’s leading vendors, aswell as broadband deployment and regulation status. It will host industry leaders,representatives of government and regulative agencies of the SEE region.
Teledata Networks’ presentation will take place on April 11, 10.30 pm-12.30 pm, atthe Sava Center, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
About Teledata Networks
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative Access Networksolutions that enable smooth migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) anddelivery of Triple Play services. The company tailors unique solutions for telecomoperators and services providers in accordance with their needs, to enhance theircompetitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base spanning millions of linesin over 50 countries worldwide. Its twenty years of experience have yieldedoutstanding technological leadership, a high level of expertise and a strong foundationof intellectual property.