Teledata Networks Supplies Kazakhtelecom with NGN Access Systems Worth $8M
Pure IP BroadAccess deployments deliver advanced services tourban Kazakhstan
Amsterdam, Netherlands – 25 September, 2006: Teledata Networks, a leading globalprovider of innovative Access Network solutions that enable smooth migration to NextGeneration Networks (NGN), announced today a $8M delivery of its BroadAccessMultiservice Access Gateways (MSAGs) to Kazakhtelecom, Kazakhstan’s ILEC(Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier).
The BroadAccess MSAGs supplied to Kazakhtelecom are optimized for supportingadvanced Voice, Data and Video services over a pure Ethernet architecture. Any advancedIP based service, as well as any future application, can be supported by the system througha simple insertion of a plug-in card.
Kazakhtelecom is using the BroadAccess systems to provide services to major cities suchas Almaty, Astana, and Atyrau, which have been a part of Teledata Networks’ installedbase since the year 2000, as well as to Petropavlovsk, Aktau, Pavlodar, Ural'sk andTemirtau, which are new arenas for the company’s activities.
“We are very pleased to be enlarging our Kazakhstan installed base to new cities all overthe country,” said Eran Ziv, CEO, Teledata Networks. “Kazakhtelecom’s recurring choiceof BroadAccess is a tribute to our systems’ long-term reliability and our successfulpartnership with this customer.”
“Teledata Networks is a valuable partner who understands our needs and fulfills them,”said Khairat Karibzhanov, President of JSC Kazakhtelecom. “They have proventhemselves fully capable of leading us toward the effective modernization of ournetworks.”
About BroadAccess
BroadAccess is an advanced Multiservice Access Gateway (MSAG). Throughsimultaneous support of multiple network technologies, BroadAccess enables serviceproviders to smoothly migrate their network to NGN in the most cost-effective way, whileutilizing the existing infrastructure to best advantage.
The system’s architecture is ideal for providing a full Triple Play service suite. It is highlyflexible, supporting any mix of services from basic telephony to IPTV, a variety ofapplications and multivendor compatibility to suit customer needs.
BroadAccess offers a diverse selection of compact, cost-effective indoor and outdoorcabinets. The housing solutions are highly modular, and customized solutions can betailored to specific customer requirements.
About Teledata Networks
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative Access Network solutionsthat enable smooth migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) and delivery of TriplePlay services. The company tailors unique solutions for telecom operators and servicesproviders in accordance with their needs, to enhance their competitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base spanning millions of lines inover 50 countries worldwide. Its twenty years of experience have yielded outstandingtechnological leadership, a high level of expertise and a strong foundation of intellectualproperty.
Teledata Networks is a private company, in which the major shareholders are the Kardangroup (Euronext: KARD), Elron Investments (NASDAQ: ELRN) and InfinityVenture Capital Fund.
About Kazakhtelecom
Kazakhtelecom, a joint stock company, is a leading telecommunication operator ofKazakhstan, and one of the most dynamically developing companies on the post Sovietterritory, providing all range of communication services.
The company employs over 33 thousand people, and has its regional divisions in eachoblast (administration division) of the country, being the guarantor of provision ofcommunication services to all people across Kazakhstan.
To date Kazakhtelecom serves more than 1.92 million urban telephone subscribers and452 thousand rural households.