Teledata Networks Cooperates with RADVISIONfor SIP VoIP Solution
New Solution Supports Media Rich services; Aids Carriers’ Sprint Toward IMS
Amsterdam, Netherlands – 16 October 2006: Teledata Networks, a leading globalprovider of innovative Access Network solutions that enable smooth migration toNext Generation Networks (NGN), announced today it is cooperating withRADVISION, a leading provider of video network infrastructure and developer toolsfor unified visual communications over IP, 3G, and emerging next-generationnetworks, to strengthen the VoIP capabilities of its BroadAccess Multiservice AccessGateway (MSAG). This will enable operators to offer media rich, revenue-generatingservices over IP networks to subscribers.
The cooperation involves furnishing the BroadAccess MSAG with a SIP buildingblock – in addition to the H.248 protocol support already implemented in the system.These building blocks support NGN and softswitch connectivity to subscribers'handsets. The new solution will help Teledata Networks tailor VoIP features to meetspecific operator demands, and can support various softswitch behaviors andproprietary implementations.
The SIP and H.248 protocols are an integral part of the complex IMS (IP MultimediaSubsystem) industry standard, which enables the conversion of all voice andmultimedia communications to flexible IP based technologies. Using SIP buildingblocks that support all the complexities of IMS is essential to ensure smoothmigration. Carriers are eager to advance toward IMS-based networks, making use ofthe special IMS SIP protocol increasingly important.
“As a leader in the field of migration to NGN, Teledata Networks has decided toinclude a SIP-based solution in its portfolio that is optimized for IMS,” said Eli Lotan,CTO and VP R&D, Teledata Networks. “As such, we are also committed to usingbest-in-class technology, which led us to select RADVISION as our partner for thisventure.”
“Teledata Networks’ selection of RADVISION’s SIP Toolkit further demonstratesthat our award-winning SIP building blocks offer a reliable migration path to IMSbasedproducts,” said Adi Paz, Senior Director of Product Management andMarketing for RADVISION’s Technology Business Unit. “The inclusion of thistechnology ensures not only a future-proof investment, but offers a competitive edgein this dynamic market.”
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative Access Networksolutions that enable smooth migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) anddelivery of Triple Play services. The company tailors unique solutions for telecomoperators and services providers in accordance with their needs, to enhance theircompetitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base spanning millions of linesin over 50 countries worldwide. Its twenty years of experience have yieldedoutstanding technological leadership, a high level of expertise and a strong foundationof intellectual property.
Teledata Networks is a private company, in which the major shareholders are theKardan group (Euronext: KARD), Elron Investments (NASDAQ: ELRN) and InfinityVenture Capital Fund. Learn more about Teledata Networks at
About Radvision
Established in 1992, RADVISION (NASDAQ: RVSN) provides market-provenproducts and technologies for unified visual communications over IP and 3Gnetworks. With its complete set of standards-based video networking infrastructureand developer toolkits for voice, video, data and wireless communications,RADVISION is driving the unified communications evolution by combining thepower of video, voice, data and wireless – for high definition videoconferencingsystems, innovative services on converged IP and 3G networks, and highly scalablevideo-enabled desktop platforms for IP and emerging next-generation networks. Formore information about RADVISION, visit