Teledata Networks Enables Telikom PNG toFuture-Proof their Access Network
Supplies Papua New Guinea Incumbent Operator withNGN/IP-capable BroadAccess Systems
Amsterdam, Netherlands – June 25, 2007: Teledata Networks, a leading globalprovider of innovative Access Network solutions that enable smooth migration toNext Generation Networks (NGN), is supplying BroadAccess Multiservice AccessGateways to Telikom PNG, the Incumbent Local Exchange Provider of Papua NewGuinea. The systems will modernize Telikom PNG’s networks across urban and ruralareas, furnishing them with advanced NGN/IP capabilities.
The BroadAccess Multiservice Access Gateways (MSAGs) supplied to Telikom PNGsupport a mix of services, from POTS to ADSL, and any future IP or NGN basedservice can be added by a simple insertion of a plug-in card. Some of the systems alsosupport radio and satellite communications – a customized solution tailored toTelikom PNG’s requirements. This delivery comprises the first stage of the project,which may be expanded to include additional phases.
“The transaction resumes the long-standing relations between the two companies,beginning with Telikom PNG’s purchase of access systems from Teledata Networksover a decade ago”, said Asher Joudo, Regional Vice President Sales, TeledataNetworks. “Our company is firmly rooted in the APAC region, and has accumulated awide installed base there, covering Australia, Fiji, the Philippines, Thailand andVietnam”.
“This deal is a vote of confidence in our systems and partnership,” said Eran Ziv,CEO, Teledata Networks. “We were glad to use our NGN expertise to help TelikomPNG perform a smooth and cost-effective migration to a modernized network”.
“We are pleased to be able to offer advanced services to our end users,” said MarenaSansan, Manager Planning, Emerging Technology, Telikom PNG. “We selected theTeledata Networks systems based the good experience the we had with them over thepast decade, along with the impressive future-proof NGN/IP features of today’sBroadAccess Multiservice Access Gateway”.
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative Access Networksolutions that enable smooth migration to Next Generation Networks (NGN) anddelivery of Triple Play services. The company tailors unique solutions for telecomoperators and services providers in accordance with their needs, to enhance theircompetitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base spanning millions of linesin over 50 countries worldwide. Its twenty years of experience have yieldedoutstanding technological leadership, a high level of expertise and a strong foundationof intellectual property.
Teledata Networks is a private company, in which the major shareholders are theKardan group (Euronext: KARD), Elron Investments (NASDAQ: ELRN) and InfinityVenture Capital Fund. Learn more about Teledata Networks at
About Telikom PNG
Telecommunications in Papua New Guinea is the responsibility of Telikom PNGLimited, a 100% government owned company, which replaced the former PTC.Telikom PNG provides public telecommunication services in Papua New Guineatogether with it's subsidiaries.
Telikom PNG provides a fixed network and cellular services through it's whollyowned subsidiary, Pacific Mobile Communications Limited. Both companies have amonopoly in local, national and international fixed line and mobile. In addition tovoice telephony services, other leased data circuits and internet services are retailed tolocal service providers. Telikom PNG is ear-marked for privatization in 2002 togetherwith other Government owned institutions.