Teledata Networks Releases BroadAccess-1000E, a breakthrough FTTX MSAG Platform
Herzliya, Israel – August 13, 2009: Teledata Networks, a leading globalprovider of innovative Multiservice Access solutions for NGN (NextGeneration Networks), announced the release of BroadAccess-1000E, acutting-edgeIP-based Multiservice Access Gateway, for the delivery of residential TriplePlay services and Carrier Ethernet services for business customers.
BroadAccess-1000E expands Teledata Networks' industry leading portfolio byaddressing the growing bandwidth needs in the access network and the trendtowards a fiber-based access. With a multiple 10GigE architecture and ultrahighbackplane capacity of over 360Gbps, BroadAccess-1000E is ideallysuited for delivery of advanced IP services such as HD IPTV and carrier gradebusiness services.
BroadAccess-1000E is designed to support the multi-functionalities of anMSAG, IP-DSLAM, Carrier Ethernet Switch and GPON OLT, and delivers acomplete set of voice and broadband applications for residential and businesscustomers. It offers a rich choice of services over fiber and copper, includingPOTS, ADSL2+, VDSL2, Active Ethernet and GPON, enabling operators toimplement various network topologies of FTTR, FTTC, and FTTP. Adding toits diverse capabilities, BroadAccess-1000E is enhanced with an integralresilient 10Gigabit Ethernet transmission, enabling efficient aggregation ofbroadband traffic over an optical ring.
With a series of high capacity service cards, BroadAccesss-1000E providesthe highest ports density, supporting over 1000 xDSL ports, 400 GigE ports or9,000 GPON subscribers per shelf.
Teledata Networks has recently won a number of significant projects with thenew BroadAccess-1000E. A large amount of BroadAccess-1000E systemsare already being installed by several operators worldwide, such as ICECosta-Rica, who has selected the systems as their exclusive multiserviceaccess solution, as part of an NGN migration project of hundreds ofthousands of subscribers.
“The introduction of the revolutionary BroadAccess-1000E platform enablesus to enhance our leading position in the market and expand our portfolio tonew areas of Fiber Access and business Carrier Ethernet,” said Eran Ziv,CEO of Teledata Networks, “We have received excellent feedback forBroadAccess-1000E from our customers, recognizing its outstandingcapabilities and technological superiority. We are delighted that BroadAccess-1000E has already been chosen by a number of major operators to be theirprimary access solution, strengthening our continuous business growth."
Teledata Networks is a leading global provider of innovative MultiserviceAccess solutions for Next Generation Networks. The company providesunique solutions for telecom operators and service providers in accordancewith their needs, to enhance their competitive edge.
Teledata Networks has accumulated a wide installed base, spanning millionsof lines in over 55 countries worldwide. Its 27 years of experience haveyielded outstanding technological leadership, a high level of expertise and astrong foundation of intellectual property.
Teledata Networks is a private company, in which the major shareholders arethe Kardan group (Euronext: KARD), Elron Electronic Industries (NASDAQ:ELRN) and Infinity Venture Capital Fund. Learn more about TeledataNetworks at