Enablence Gains RUS Acceptance for BroadAccess Platform
Rural Utilities Service Acceptance of Enablence’s BroadAccess Platform Enables U.S. ServiceProviders to Bring High-Speed Broadband to Rural and Underserved Communities
TORONTO, ONTARIO—May 5, 2011 — Enablence Technologies, Inc. (“Enablence” or the“Company”) (TSX: ENA-V), a leading supplier of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) equipment for tripleplayresidential and business services and optical components and subsystems for access,metro and long-haul markets, today announced it has received formal Rural Development (RD)Telecommunications acceptance from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) division of the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its award-winning BroadAccess MultiserviceAccess Platform (MSAP). The RUS listing enables telecommunications service providers toaccess funding to promote the deployment of broadband services throughout the United States,with a special emphasis on rural and underserved areas. Both the BroadAccess 1000E and300E have received this designation.
“RUS acceptance of the BroadAccess is an important step in assisting rural service providers tocost-effectively modernize and grow their legacy infrastructure,” said Mike Skubisz, President ofEnablence Systems Division. “Enablence understands that in order to meet the goals of theUnited States Broadband plan as well as the broadband initiatives in the $7.2 billion AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, service providers need access to a platform withsuperior performance and field proven reliability at an attractive price.”
Enablence’s BroadAccess is a high performance MSAP designed for the delivery of residentialTriple-Play services and Carrier Ethernet business services. The BroadAccess 1000E and 300Eoffer unsurpassed flexibility, with support for a complete set of voice and IP broadband servicesover copper and fiber infrastructure. BroadAccess is a proven platform with millions of linesdeployed worldwide, delivering highly reliable, bandwidth intensive services, enabling acompetitive advantage. For more information, visit http://www.enablence.com/access/productlines/broadaccess.
About Enablence Technologies Inc.
Enablence Technologies, Inc. (“the Company” or “Enablence”) is a publicly traded company thatdesigns, manufactures and sells fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) equipment and multi-service accessplatforms for triple-play residential and business services and optical components andsubsystems for access, metro and long-haul markets to a global customer base. Enablencedelivers a key portion of the infrastructure for next-generation telecommunication systems. TheCompany’s product lines address all three segments of optical networks: Access, connectinghomes and businesses to the network; Metro, communication rings within large cities; andLong-haul, linking cities and continents. The Company’s Access solutions enable voice, data, video, and Internet communications across both copper and fiber-based network infrastructures.For more information, visit www.enablence.com or follow Enablence on Twitter at http://www.Twitter.com/Enablence.
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Michelle Barry
BridgeView Marketing
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